Dependant visa
This includes children, adult dependants of British Citizens or settled persons, and dependants of point-based migrants.
A child under age 18 living overseas and having a parent(s)/other relative(s) who is either settled or applying for settlement in the UK, could be eligible to enter and remain in the UK indefinitely.
If you are the under 18 child of a parent(s)/other relative(s) who has / is applying for entry clearance, limited leave or leave to remain indefinitely in the UK as a partner (spouse, civil partner or unmarried partner) of a British citizen or settled person, then you could be eligible for the same clearance and leave as your parent/other relative.
Speak to our experienced immigration lawyers today on how your child can be issued a visa in this category.
Adult Dependant visa
This visa category is for foreign adult dependant relatives of British citizens in the UK, persons settled in the UK, or persons in the UK with refugee leave or humanitarian protection status, who wish to settle here.
There are strict requirements to be met in this category. Contact our immigration lawyers today if you are the adult (18 years of over) parent, grandparent, sibling, son or daughter of a person who is in the UK and that person is over 18 and either a British citizen, settled in the UK or a person with refugee leave or humanitarian protection status.
Dependant of a Points-Based System (PBS) Migrant
This category is for partners and children of PBS migrants to enter and remain the UK with their family member. To apply in this category, an applicant must be related to a PBS migrant as either their husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner, same sex partner or child (under the age of 18 at first application).
Our team of immigration lawyers has assisted many clients with their Dependant visa. For assistance, please contact our experienced immigration lawyers today on 07429429892, 02038563516 or